Урок №36 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Урок №36 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
A — Maria, do you have time for coffee?
B — Yes, I do. Where do you want to go?
A — Do you know the Gar­den cafe?
B — No, I don’t. Where is it?
A — On Park Avenue, that’s not too far.
B — All right, but I don’t have much time. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I still have a lot of work.
A — That’s ok. So do I.

Do you have time for coffee?

Or a glass of wine?

A glass of wine? All right.

Do you still drink red wine?

Yes, I always drink red wine.

I don’t like white wine.

And I nev­er drink beer.

But I like red wine.

Me too.

Do you still have a lot of work?

No, not always.

I don’t have much work today.

I don’t have much work today.

Do you have time for coffee?

I always have time for coffee.

But today I don’t have much time.

I don’t have much time.


Unfor­tu­nate­ly I have to leave a two o’clock

A friend of mine is coming.

A friend of mine is com­ing today.

To vis­it

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.

«I’m going to Boston tomorrow».

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.


A col­league of mine is com­ing to visit.

She’s com­ing to visit.

Is she com­ing alone?

No, she’s com­ing with her husband.

No, she’s com­ing with her husband.

They’re not here yet.

But they are com­ing today.

My col­league and her husband

Are com­ing to visit

Your col­league

A col­league of yours.

A col­league of yours is com­ing to visit?

Yes, her daugh­ter still lives here.

And she wants to see her daughter.

From Mex­i­co.

My col­league is from Mexico.

Who’s your colleague?

What’s her name?

You don’t know her.

You don’t know her.

Her name is Ele­na Tores.

She’s from Mexico.

She’s com­ing to vis­it today.

I know Elena.

I know her.

She lives in Boston.

Her hus­band is Colombian.

You don’t know my colleague.

You don’t know her.

My col­league is from Mexico.

And her hus­band is Mex­i­can too.

His name is Pedro Torez.

She isn’t Amer­i­can and he isn’t Columbian.

A year.

For a year.

I haven’t seen my col­league for a year.

And I haven’t seen her husband.

For two years.

But I think he’s com­ing today.

With my colleague.

I haven’t seen my colleague.

For a year.

But I saw her daughter.

Yes­ter­day morning.

Do you have time now?

Do you have time for coffee?

Or a glass of wine?

I nev­er drink wine.

But I’d like some coffee.

I always have time for coffee.

So do I.

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

Why don’t we go?

to the Gar­den cafe

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

Have you been there?

Not yet.

I haven’t been there yet.

Where is the Gar­den cafe?

It’s not too far.

You have to go into town, don’t you?

Then why don’t we go

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

We can have some coffee.

Or a glass of wine.

You know, I nev­er drink wine.

But I would like some coffee.

Me too.

How are you?

Fine, thanks. And you?

I’m fine too. Thanks.

Mr. Romirez, you are from Mex­i­co, aren’t you?

Yes, my wife and I live in Guadalajara.

Have you been to Mexico?

Yes, but unfortunately

I haven’t been there

For a few years.

A glass of red wine, please.

And I’d like a beer.

A beer and a glass of red wine, please.

There’s a col­league of mine.

A col­league of yours?

Her name is Susan Davis

She is from Boston.

I haven’t seen her for a year.

I’m sor­ry, but I have to leave now.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly I have to go into town.

And then

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.

Why don’t we have dinner?

Do you know the Park Avenue restaurant?

No, I don’t.

It’s a good restaurant.

And it’s not too expensive.

All right, then tonight at sev­en o’clock at the Park Avenue restaurant.

Ok, see you tonight.

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Урок 36
Александр Фрей

Английский язык давно уже стал универсальным средством коммуникации между людьми разных стран и континентов. Знание английского открывает много новых и перспективных горизонтов перед человеком. Поэтому не стоит искать отговорок и откладывать на потом изучение английского языка. На сайте SimplEnglish будут размещены все необходимые материалы для самостоятельного обучения. Выучить английский - это проще, чем вы думаете: я убедился в этом на своем опыте! Уверен, что и у вас получится!

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