Урок №40 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Урок №40 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
Maria is speak­ing to her hus­band Filipe.
A — Here’s a let­ter from my friend Ele­na. She’s com­ing to vis­it on Tuesday.
B — Tues­day? It’s tomor­row. At what time?
A — She is arriv­ing in New York at ten to five. We can have din­ner at the Park Avenue restau­rant. But I have to buy a few things too.
B — I’m going into the city this morn­ing would you like to with me?
A — Yes, let’s go together.

How late are the stores open?

Until five o’clock.

Why? What do you want to buy?

A few t‑shirts.

With whom?

For whom?

For my Mex­i­can friends.

I want to buy a few t‑shirts for my friends.

They are arriving

On Mon­day

And they are leaving

On Tues­day

They are leav­ing Tues­day morning.

Or Tues­day night.

Maybe they are leav­ing Tues­day night.

Are you going to buy the t‑shirts in the city?

Yes, now I’m going into the city now.

How are you going there?

By sub­way.

It’s twen­ty to three.

I have to go into the city now too.

Then, let’s go together.

Ok. But I’d like to go buy taxi.

I don’t want to take the subway.

And I don’t want to walk.

Let’s go by taxi.

And lat­er let’s have some­thing to drink.

Yes, let’s go to the Gar­den café.

Here’s the letter.

Here’s a let­ter from my friend Rosa.

She is Mexican.

But she’s lived in Philadel­phia for a few years.

She and her hus­band are com­ing to visit.

But unfor­tu­nate­ly

Her son isn’t com­ing with her

I’m going to buy a t‑shirt

For her son

My hus­band isn’t home yet.

Today he is work­ing until six o’clock.

He often works late.

But maybe you and your wife

Can have din­ner with us later?

I want to.

We’d like to have din­ner with you.

At sev­en o’clock at the Park Avenue restaurant?

Maybe a lit­tle later.

We have to buy some­thing first.

At eight o’clock?

Or at ten to eight?

At ten to eight is fine.

Here’s a let­ter from a colleague.

From whom?

From my col­league Ele­na Ramirez.

The let­ter is from Elena.

She is com­ing to visit.

She is from Mexico.

She’s lived there for two years.

When is your col­league arriving?

On Fri­day

She is arriv­ing on Friday.

She is arriv­ing Fri­day night.

And she is staying

Until Mon­day

Or maybe until Tuesday

Is she com­ing alone?

No, she’s com­ing with her daughter.

Her daughter’s name is Rosa.

They speak Eng­lish, don’t they?

Of course, they speak Eng­lish very well.

When are they arriving?

On Fri­day at ten after eight.

At ten after eight.

At twen­ty after eight.

Now at twen­ty after nine?

No, they are arriv­ing at twen­ty after eight.

I think they are going to stay in the Unit­ed States.

For two or three weeks.

She likes to travel.

She likes to travel.

But her hus­band doesn’t like to travel.

He’d rather stay home.

He’d rather stay home.

What do you like to do?

I like to work.

But I don’t like to stay home.

I’d rather travel.

You’d rather. You would rather.

Would you rather stay home?

Or would you like to go to the movies with me?

To go to the movies

Would you like to go to the movies with me?

Yes, I’d like to.

I’d like to go to the movies.

Maybe on Friday?

Yes, Fri­day is fine.

And let’s have some­thing to drink first.

Would you like to go to the movies?

I don’t know. What time is it?

It’s five after seven.

All right. But why don’t we go a lit­tle later?

Ok, at what time?

All right, at what time?

Yes, twen­ty after eight is fine.

I like to go to the movies.

So do I.

I often go to the movies.

I don’t like to stay home.

Tomorrow’s Fri­day.

Yes, and your friend Maria is arriv­ing tomor­row morning.

If we go to the movies tomor­row night

She can go with us.

My friend likes to go to the movies.

But she’d rather

She’d rather go to a good restaurant.

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We ate at the hotel.

Вы помните, как добавление «е» в конце слова меняет произношение гласного звука?

Сейчас прочитайте второе упражнение. Всегда читайте вслух.
Her name is Nancy.

Номер три.

Запомните, как может изменяться произношение буквы «s».

He did it six times.
Six times.

Номер четыре.

Обратите внимание, что апостроф указывает на сокращение.

It’s his wine.

Сейчас прочитайте пятое упражнение.
We had a fine dinner.

We went by subway.

Let’s see.

He’s not home.

He spoke a lot.


Обратите внимание на два разных звука, которые дает буква «u».

Excuse us.
Excuse us.


Обратите внимание, что здесь по-разному произносится буква «y».

My fam­i­ly likes him.
My family

Is Mex­i­co City big?

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Урок 40
Александр Фрей

Английский язык давно уже стал универсальным средством коммуникации между людьми разных стран и континентов. Знание английского открывает много новых и перспективных горизонтов перед человеком. Поэтому не стоит искать отговорок и откладывать на потом изучение английского языка. На сайте SimplEnglish будут размещены все необходимые материалы для самостоятельного обучения. Выучить английский - это проще, чем вы думаете: я убедился в этом на своем опыте! Уверен, что и у вас получится!

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