Урок №39 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Урок №39 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
A — Miguel, wait, where are you going?
B — I have to go into the city I have to buy a few things for my wife.
A — Are you going to take the subway?
B — Yes, my wife needs the car.
A — Do you have time for cof­fee first?
B — Maybe. How late are the stores open tonight?
A — Until nine o’clock.
B — Then I do have time for coffee.

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.

He’s from Mexico.

But he’s lived here for three years.

What’s your friends name?

Fil­ipe Mar­tinez. His name is Fil­ipe Martinez.

We are going to have lunch together.

At the Park Avenue restaurant.

Some­times I eat there.

And some­times I eat at home.


First we are going to have lunch.

And then we are going to a depart­ment store.


My friend wants to buy a t‑shirt.

For his son.

First he’s going to buy a t‑shirt.

And then we are going to have a glass of wine.

Fil­ipe always drinks red wine.

He nev­er drinks beer.

How are you going into the city?

By sub­way?

By sub­way or by taxi?

By sub­way, of course.

I often take the subway.

Say that taxis are faster.
Taxis are faster.

But they are more expensive.

I’m going to buy a t‑shirt.

Do you need a car?

No, I can walk.

The store isn’t far.

And I often walk there.

I don’t need the car today.

We can both go by car.

We can go into town together.

You can buy the t‑shirt

And then

We can have a glass of wine together.

Let’s have a glass of wine together.

Let’s go into town together.

Why not?

How late?

How late do you want to stay in town?

Until six o’clock.

Then let’s go by subway.

Here’s a let­ter for you.

Here’s a let­ter for you.

For me?

Yes, a let­ter for you.

It’s from Mexico.

Oh, the let­ter is from a Mex­i­can colleague.

What’s your colleague’s name?

Miguel. Miguel Rodriguez.

The let­ter is from Miguel.

He and his wife are com­ing to visit.

His wife’s name is Elena.

They live in Guadalajara.

He’s lived there for two years.

And she’s lived there for five years.

They speak Eng­lish, don’t they?

Yes, of course. They both speak Eng­lish very well.

But some­times we speak Span­ish together.

When are they coming?

They are coming

On Mon­day

They are com­ing on Monday.

They are com­ing on Monday.

But they arrived in the Unit­ed States.

Yes­ter­day morning.

How long are they going to stay?

For two days.

They are com­ing on Monday.

They’re arriv­ing

They’re arriv­ing

They are arriv­ing on Monday.

At five o’clock.

They are both arriv­ing on Mon­day at five o’clock.

At what time are they arriving?

At five o’clock, I think.

At ten to five.

At ten to five.

They’re arriv­ing at ten to five.

No, at twen­ty to five.

At five to five.

At ten to five.

At twen­ty to five?

Or at ten to five?

Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez are arriv­ing at twen­ty to five.

Here’s the letter.


Do you have time on Tuesday?

What would you like to do?

What would you like to do on Tuesday.

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

I often go there with my friends.

How late is the cafe open?

Until eleven o’clock.

Ok, let’s go to the Gar­den cafe.

On Tues­day.

With you col­league and his wife.

We can go by subway.

Or we can walk.

It’s twen­ty to six.

Do you have time for a cup of coffee?

Of course.

I have to leave now.

First I have to buy a t‑shirt.

For my lit­tle girl.

And then I have to buy some wine.

How long are the stores open?

Until eight o’clock, I think.

Then I don’t have much time.

See you on Tuesday.

Here’s a let­ter for you.

It’s a let­ter from Maria.

From whom?

From Maria. She’s a col­league of mine.

She’s com­ing to visit.


She is arriv­ing on Monday.

At twen­ty to three.

No, at ten to three.

First she is com­ing to New York.

And then she is going to Washington.

Is her hus­band com­ing too?

No, he’s going to stay home.

He’s going to stay home.

With the younger daughter.

How long is your col­league going to stay?

She is stay­ing until Tuesday.

Here’s the letter.

But I don’t under­stand the let­ter. I don’t under­stand Spanish.

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Урок 39
Александр Фрей

Английский язык давно уже стал универсальным средством коммуникации между людьми разных стран и континентов. Знание английского открывает много новых и перспективных горизонтов перед человеком. Поэтому не стоит искать отговорок и откладывать на потом изучение английского языка. На сайте SimplEnglish будут размещены все необходимые материалы для самостоятельного обучения. Выучить английский - это проще, чем вы думаете: я убедился в этом на своем опыте! Уверен, что и у вас получится!

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